Today's got a kind of end-of-term feel about it! We're winding down and saying our farewells.
This morning we were working at Safe Haven again, painting. The white paint we have been using as primer is quite thin; Jim has seen paint as thin as that before but UK libel laws prevent him from saying where! Most of the house is now painted inside and some is done outside with primer ready for the main coat of more orange paint. The work is being done by a man who looks frosty, but we're sure he is a nice man really! Trevor from NZ came to help us.
After lunch, we joined the CHO staff for their prayer meeting. It is significant that the CHO staff leave their work for Friday afternoon to come together in the CHO building to pray for their work. Their prayer topics today included giving thanks for the team from Scotland and their hard work this last week. Their way of prayer is fascinating, because the topic is given and they spend 5 minutes with everyone praying aloud, then one voice prevails and ends that topic. Another topic is given and the process is repeated. Perhaps there were 8 topics and the meeting lasted about an hour.
We said our farewells then, though we are here tomorrow. Saturday is CHO's day off and we will take tomorrow to wind down and try to process what we've learned before going to have tea with Vuthy and his family. Tomorrow's post will be some of the highlights of the trip for us as we reflect on the last two weeks.
The CHO team are so thankful to us for coming. This is a place where people tend not to stop, but pass through and keep going. We have been here for two weeks and they are glad that we've come. We hope to have brought something of Jesus' love with us and leave something of that behind us. We have left a few bags of toys and goodies behind and we hope that the people will remember us well.
PS it's raining, but warm!